Notice of Annual General Meeting 2021

Venue: Marcopolo Restaurant, Excel World
Date: Saturday 27th March 2021
Time: 6:00PM

Special arrangements have been made to perform Maghrib Prayers at the Banquet Hall Maghrib/Isha prayer arrangements have been made at the venue.
The Agenda of the Annual General Meeting shall be as follows:-


  1. Recital of Soora Fathiha - by Brother Jawfer Sadiq
  2. The National Anthem
  3. Singing of the College Anthem
  4. Two minutes silence and Dua in memory of all Batch Mates’ who have passed away.
  5. Reading of Notice convening the meeting by the Hony. Secretary
  6. Our journey so far - an Audio Visual Produced and narrated by Zabith Yoosuf
  7. Reading and confirming the Minutes of the previous AGM by the Hony. Secretary
  8. Presentation of Progress Report of the Executive Committee by the Hony. General Secretary
  9. G87 and its activities from my point of view - by Brother Jawfer Sadiq
  10. Presentation of the Audited Statement of Accounts by the Hony. General Treasurer
  11. Address by the Incumbent President
  12. Election of the Executive Committee
  13. Address by the newly elected President
  14. Amendments to the Constitution ( if any)
  15. Vote of Thanks
  16. Any other business
  17. Salawaath
  18. Dinner