G87's AGM and Family outing is scheduled to be held at "Thotupala lakeside, Piliyandala" on Saturday (Full moon) the 25th of August 2018 from 8:30AM onwards. Since it's a family event please forward the head count (Adults, Boys & Girls) to make necessary arrangements for games and activities.
Separate arrangements have been made for Members to attend the AGM at the Conference Hall at 9:00AM. The agenda of the AGM will be published shortly. Please be informed that the new office bearers for 2018/2019 will be appointed at the AGM and it is compulsory for every member of the group to attend the AGM (even if your families are not in a position to attend) as this is the only event that confirms your membership in the group of 87. Please be present to collect your membership cards at the AGM